Insight / Katona Kati on behalf of the Light Art Museum

On the trail between Csodaszarvas and KATT Rengeteg

The INSIGHT screening invites you on a unique journey to discover the universal patterns of nature. Compositions woven from intricate structures symbolise the deep interconnectedness and harmony found in nature, helping viewers to better understand the relationship between man and nature. "As part of the concept for INSIGHT, my aim was to create a projection that would highlight the natural colour of the trees, while simultaneously soothing and calming the visually overwhelmed environment of the festival. I specifically used shades of green in the design to create a visual experience that would emphasise the surrounding green spaces. This colour has been scientifically proven to have a calming effect on people. It helps release stress and tension, supporting people to enter a state of inner balance and understanding. In this way, the installation not only provides a visual experience, but can also be emotionally nourishing for viewers."

Fénykolónia / AJSA Collective, Lelkes Sári

On the way in

We felt a great harmony between the two winning ideas of the decoration competition, the designs of AJSA Collective and Sári Lelkes, both featuring hollow, slightly translucent shapes that glow from the inside, and a combination of wire frame and plaster gauze. "We both designed fabulous, luminous creatures hidden around the entrance path and among the trees and plants throughout the festival, whose presence enhances the already magical atmosphere of Kolorádó. The creatures that appear in our installations have lived in these forests for a long time, we just help them to take form," the girls wrote about the collaboration.

Artists: AJSA Collective (Bukovácz Lilla, Ernst Mimi, Illés Dóri, Óvári Panka és Velkey Virág), and Lelkes Sári 


Lumen Naturae / Rékai Márk 

Erdei Rave

Márk Rékai, an art history student and aspiring curator, came up with an extensive art history collection (related to the "attention" concept of Kolorádó) and the idea of a forest church. The concept was polished through the first steps of realisation and eventually took the title Lumen Naturae (Light of Nature), a text on the alleviation of the pain of the soul, found in Cicero's text. "The planned sanctuary is not a place to worship a god or gods, but a space where we can focus on ourselves and the nature around us," says Mark. By organizing meetings between the seven artists involved - Anna Setényi, Dániel Cseh, Domonkos Réffy and Lili Kovács, Valentina Várhelyi and Júlia Kerekes - and coordinating the concept, Márk is doing what we think is most important: creating community and collaborative work. In the quieter hours of the Forest Rave, at Lumen Naturae, the artists give guided tours of the forest. So for us, the venue is not only a sanctuary for tuning into nature, but also for listening to each other.

Artists: Cseh Dániel, Kovács Lili, Kerekes Júlia, Réffy Domonkos, Rékai Márk, Setényi Anna, Várhelyi Valentina 


NEXUS / Nagy András László


Research in recent years increasingly suggests that certain elements of our environment, such as fungi and plants, can sense and respond to us. Communication between the root network of trees and mycorrhizal fungi allows them to exchange nutrients and warn each other of potential threats. Studies have shown that plants also respond to physical touch and recognise signs of pests or human interference. Although not sensory in the human sense, these responses indicate a high level of adaptability and interaction. These results open up new perspectives in understanding nature and wildlife, emphasising the importance of the close relationship between ecosystem components.

The concept and realization of the project was the work of László András Nagy, but he worked closely with members of the Mumush Electric Team: sound design (Áron Telegdy), project management (Ikona Wurk) and Eapo (ESP developer). The installation was created with the support of Mumush.

Tündérszobor / Kili Dóra

Fortune telling tent

The Fairy Statue acts as a totem for the fortune-telling tent, so that festival-goers can fill up on a little magic. The human-sized creature is illuminated in the evening, bringing it to life and attracting visitors to the oracle.


Leshy / Tóth Krisztián, Tóth Richárd

Forest Theatre

The leshy is the guardian spirit of the forest in Slavic mythology, a creature we would make into a statue that can watch over those who are observant enough from the trees. This will be a 2-3 metre tall humanoid creature figure made mainly of wood, guarding the entrance to the Forest Theatre.


WC, azaz World Critic toalett tárlat

Festival toilets and toitoi

We are only organising one exhibition this year but we guarantee that most of you will see it. The 2024 Kolorádó will bring to life the first "toilet exhibition". During the event, the walls of the stone toilets and the interiors of the toilets will be decorated with prints by Levente Hollós-Zsiga. The selected artworks explore social taboos that guarantee a common point of connection with each festival-goer.
