Sztrilich Pál Cserkészpark,
Nagykovácsi, 2094 Budapest
47.541438, 18.934909
If you have a question that hasn't been answered, or if you have any other ideas, please contact us at: @email
If you are looking for us for any press or publicity: @email
CEO: Gábor Manek
Festival director: Máté Tollner
Finance manager: Márti Sipos
Partnership and sponsor Manager: Kata Balizs
Head of construction: Kristóf Kertai, Ákos Turzai
Head of catering: Illés Iványi
International and electronic booking: Marci Csuka
Domestic and concert booking: Viki Jezerszky
Daytime programme and cultural booking: Rebeka Doszpoth, Zea Gyarmati
Head of communication: Lola Pusztai
Video content creator: Aliz Zsarnóci
Art director, graphic designer: Luca Mohácsi
Brand design: Batke Bendegúz és Asztalos Ádám @uglybutuseless
Web designer: Csaba Bozzay, www.airb.hu
On-site photography and video: https://odesa.tv