New Interpretations in a Changing World

We would like to re-examine Kolorádó’s six core values with you – RETRAIT, NATURE, FREEDOM, DIVERSITY, RESPONSIBILITY, and NOTKNOWING – and we’re curious about how you think recent years' events have shaped their meanings!

We have experienced the forced slow-down and isolation, contrasted by the relentless pace of the digital world. We are surrounded by infinite possibilities, yet we also witness increasing division and hostility. Personal relationships, the weather, spirituality, health, money, and security are all gaining new significance. Everything is evolving. Meanwhile, we are becoming more experienced and gathering in greater numbers with more enthusiasm at Kolorádó every year. We want to reflect on these changes together with you!

Application Concept

Read carefully to understand the key questions the application seeks to explore!

How has the meaning of these six values changed over the past years, and how can we represent these transformations through artistic and community programs, installations, and decorations? What remains just as important, and what has become more valued? What should we be more conscious of, and what do we wish to experience more deeply? Is there something that needs to be redefined? Have we overlooked an essential guiding principle for 2025?

You can find a detailed description of the six values in the About section, but here are some thought-provoking questions we have considered regarding our core values:

  • ESCAPE: How can festival-going remain an act of rejuvenation rather than a means of escape?
  • NATURE: How do we relate to nature now that climate change is more real than ever?
  • FREEDOM: What does freedom mean today when external and internal constraints are multiplying?
  • DIVERSITY: How can we continue to uphold the spirit of inclusivity in an increasingly polarized world?
  • RESPONSIBILITY: What are the burdens and decisions we are accountable for, and what must we learn to let go of?
  • UNCERTAINTY: Does it mean merely an inability to keep up with rapid changes, or can it open doors to new dialogues?

We are looking for projects that offer fresh perspectives on one or more of these values. These can take the form of installations or programs—the key is to sensitively reflect on reality and carry forward Kolorádó’s experimental spirit!

Application Process

If we’ve sparked your interest, apply with your idea for an installation (visual arts, architecture, video or light installations, nature or land art, decoration, etc.) or a program (theater, dance, performance, education and social responsibility, music workshops, creative projects, mental health, sports, movement, healing, etc.) by filling out the application forms below!

We strongly recommend reviewing the application form questions in detail before developing your ideas!

Application deadline: March 30, 2025

Apply with a program idea, click here!
Apply with an installation, click here!